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17-32 Team Double Elimination Bracket

17-32 Team Double Elimination Bracket

    This LEADSLLC Bracket is a 32 team bracket that is good for 17 to 32 contestants. You can push a seeded or random list to the bracket. It is a double elimination bracket that is automated to the extent that you will only type the names of the teams or players once. Data entry is minimized for your convenience. Additionally, it is a non-regional tournament. This means that to the extent possible Losers are placed in the Losers Bracket such that they will not play the Winner that put them there unlil late in the tournament. A regional bracket would keep players within their region cluster of 4 or 8 teams. In a regional bracket it would be very likely to play the same team twice relatively early in the tournament.

    The Field of Play (FOP) is the pool table, dart board, softball diamond or cricket uuhh... whatever they play the game on, etc. managing even the simplest configuration of number of FOPs and how to maximize time utilization by not having an FOP or set of FOPs matchless. This bracket workbook solve that problem by providing a FOP Management (FOPM) solution. After going through the Setup process hit the FOPM button to use this feature. There are only two data entry fields (columns); the FOP number on the left and the match Win/Loss (WL) on the right. Both of the data entry cells are highlighted wth the familiar light blue which signifies user data entry. The FOPM provides interaction and feedback on both the Bracket and the FOPM pages.

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